Thursday, 12 June 2014

Cambo First School - Did they enjoy the day?

Last week The Deja Crew spent the day with Cambo First School in Northumberland.  The whole school were involved from Reception to Year 4.  After we left the children then slept over!
The children were brilliant, despite the heavy rain, they threw themselves into the activities. Over the next few posts we'll let you know about the activities and the characters they met during the day.

Here's a couple of images as a taster and the words of the Headteacher...

...thank you and your team for a wonderful learning day! The children are absolutely shattered but have really enjoyed everything they have done! They are thoroughly exhausted and indeed are in bed as we speak! Mind not asleep!!!!! 

Just one more finishing touch!
...keep going - this is the Roman Army
Thanks to Lesley and Graham for the photos.